Thursday 19 August 2010

Wk 3- Feed My Inbox

When I approached this week's tutorial, Thoreau's (I think it's by him!) oft quoted phrase "simplify, simplify" came to mind... I have RSS feeds and I subscribe to some blogs and sites by signing up, but this is easy and streamlines the whole process, without having to enter my details automatically.

Yes I would recommend this to customers as it's simple and easy to use. One can bookmark FeedMy Inbox so that adding feeds can be done with a simple touch of the button, although I wonder how that would work for public or our workroom computers?? If so, it would be great to track interesting library sites and blogs... The free subscription gives you 5 feeds, which I think is enough for most people. I struggle with information overload as it is!!

My only fear now is that should I subscribe to even MORE stuff, it will be all that much harder to clear out my inbox!! (might start with the emails from 2 years ago!!! :P)

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Our last RSS exercise gave me hives - I swear, I thought I'd be forever leery of any sort of RSS mention. When I came across the site (via PLCMC's next round of 2.0 tasks) I thought I was in heaven. Now, of course, I'm ok with it again and have a Bylines app installed on my iPhone. My only gripe about RSS is that it takes me about 20 mins to catch up on library, news, general interest, books, blog updates each morning & that's before I clear twitter & Facebook status updates & work/personal emails *blinks* It's INSANE!!
