Wednesday 19 May 2010


OK I know this is old news, BUT I just (as in 2 minutes ago) introduced Zamzar to a customer and they were CHUFFED! They converted their MS works doc to a MS doc in a matter of seconds!

So yay for Zamzar!


A short post, to say this website is addictive!

Got a bit carried away with answering trivia questions! But would love to spend more time exploring it... all in the name of professinoal development.. Ha! Have to spend a bit more time on the social networking part of it...

btw I realise I am about a week behind on the blogging... blame it on my ear infection blaaah! Will have to catch up now!

Friday 7 May 2010

How tweet... err...

I signed up for Twitter a few months ago, but only posted my first tweet yesterday... about me being at home sick.. bleaahh!

Twitter is an interesting and quick way to share information and stay in touch. Historically as I understand it, twitter is about microblogging and social networking, and mostly used by people through text messaging. (haven't signed up for that.. yet!!  Or added the app. that allows me to repost my Facebook status updates as tweets! ) So after I blog about twitter,  should I tweet about my blog?!

Interesting to consider how Twitter has changed our view of the public/private sphere. Now it's OK, even desirable, to inform the entire www (read whoever is following you, and yes, I have Followers!!) that you are having a dull morning, you just burnt your toast, or your goldfish died or whatever... just because! Random info for randomness sake??

But hang on guys....  do we really want others to know what we are doing, moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day?? I am not sure I want to all the time... And are we REALLY staying "in touch" with each other by tweeting? And how the heck do you know that the tweet you are reading from your mate is REALLY from your mate? Do applications like twitter make us more, or less human? Interesting questions...

Having said that I m open to exploring it more, and especially following tweets of interest.

I leave you with an amusing Twitter video... Enjoy!