So.. I dropped out of Web 2.0 Blahhh! So much enthusiasm, too little time... what can I say? :P
But here I am, back again, having got my second wind, like the proverbial pheonix rising from the ashes.. NOT! To be honest it's cos I have more time to actually do this stuff at work now, rather than trying to fit it in at home whilst watching Bones or something...
Anyway... I was supposed to comment about how to use as a Reader's Advisory tool....
If a customer was interested in reading something new, I would introduce them to the search function, which I like cos it provides a visual of the book cover, which I personally think is very important to getting the customer interested. It also has tabs to other related search results, so you get good value for money! For example, if you search for Babara Kingsolver, you not only come up with the books she has written, but quotes attributed to herm, articles and stories which mention her, and of course Trivia questions to answer!
Popular Lists are another good one to browse. Cos they are fun in of themselves to browse! With titles like "Romance in Books that are longer than 300 pages" or "REALLY Underrated books" wouldn't you just want to take a peek? And if one is really bored you can answer never ending trivia questions!
Customers can also create a reading profile, link up with like minded souls, do reviews, rate books ad nauseum etc etc!
With so much to see and do, why wouldn't we introduce our customers to this site?! :)
My fondest wish is that My Library be something like GoodReads because there's nothing worse than having to direct our customers to somewhere that isn't our website...just so they can turn around and come back to our website to request it. Ahem. I do, however, heart GoodReads MUCH