Wednesday 8 September 2010

Week 4-Tastespotting!

When I saw this week's exercise, I thought, Yummo, another site to add to my favourite-food-sites folder! And what a SITE for sore eyes too! :) The first thing that jumped up at me was the photo gallery. Two thumbs up from me...  Visual potluck is truly an appropriate name for this site! It's probably one of the most visually appealling food sites I have seen in recent times...

I like how they describe themselves:

Founded in January 2007 on the idea that we eat first with our eyes, TasteSpotting is our obsessive, compulsive collection of eye-catching images that link to something deliciously interesting on the other side. Think of TasteSpotting as a highly visual potluck of recipes, references, experiences, stories, articles, products, and anything else that inspires exquisite taste.
A photo which caught my eye (so hard to choose!!) was one with mushrooms in it, which are one of my all time favourite food. Turns out they are having a Musroom masters Tournament of Taste, where readers get to vote on their favourite mushroom recipe, submitted by foodie bloggers worldwide.
 I voted for the mushroom empanatas and can't wait to go home and try it out!! Yummmmmm....

Alas I didnt' heed Tosca's dire warning - eat before you proceed! And I am thus experiencing increased gastric secretions which make the 30 min wait for lunch all the more painful!

Thanks for this fun foray into food... :) And who knows, it could be useful to customers too! Like the other day when a customer and I were discussing the different ways of cooking salmon! I could direct her to this website in future!

Bon Apetit...