I started using FB about 2 years ago, and would consider myself a heavy user. Having many family and friends overseas was the main reason why I chose to link up. It has been awesome how we can stay in touch in fun, frivolous and fabulous ways, from virtual pokes, to sending flowers to private messaging. I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to do social networking. I do set my security settings quite high, and I do have a list of limited profile friends... cos I don't want every other acquaintance of mine to be privy to what I am up to.
And yes I have joined the Manukau Libraries page and do (from time to time!) read Tosca's posts! I think FB is a great way to share information and generate interest, as you have overlapping networks and someone who finds a post interesting will share it with their networks and eventually you do get a lot of coverage. I think it's quite cool how it happens.
I have also joined the Singapore public library page, as it was my first home and, along with sensible parents, responsible for this incurable desire to read and read and read... !
Most of our customers are of the Bebo or Myspace fraternity, but more are starting to use FB. So havn't really had any asking about it, more about whether accessing it is free or not! Well I do sell the benefits of FB that way as opposed to a gold coin for Bebo! :)
Some of my pet peeves about FB are the endless requests to join people in saving the world, or tending their garden, or signing up for cause after endless cause. I find the latter quite annoyiing as I feel if you really wanted to stand up for something, you should be doing more than just clicking a button and adding your name to a list. Having said that, I have been highly informed, educated humoured and moved by many of the posts, links, quotes and status updates and that I receive.
So I hope FB will stay around for a long time to come...